It might be that your wisdom teeth are impacted, thus causing you to experience pain/swelling. Or perhaps your mouth is just not big enough to accommodate a new set of teeth.

Whatever the case, there is a high probability your dentist has already determined you´re due for a wisdom teeth removal surgery.

Although this is a usual procedure, many patients often associate wisdom teeth removal with painful memories. Others, in turn, might´ve had a funny experience while the anesthesia effects were wearing off.

But some other patients wish they would´ve had a little more post-op advice before going into their wisdom teeth removal surgery.

Knowing this and looking to keep your recovery stories more on the bright side, we´ve compiled a brief guide for a quick (and painless) recovery after wisdom teeth removal.

Recovery after Wisdom Teeth Removal, how long does it take?

As with any other outpatient surgical procedure, wisdom teeth removal implies you´ll leave the surgical centre the same day of the surgery.

More so, if your dental surgeon gives you local anesthesia or mild sedation, you´ll even wake up while still in the dental chair.

If you require general anesthesia, it´ll take you longer to wake up. Meaning you have to be taken to a recovery room until the anesthesia effects wear off.

We recommend discussing with your dentist which type of sedation you´ll get. Whatever the case, you should always have someone accompany you to your surgery appointment.


As the anesthesia completely wears off, you will progressively regain feeling, so some mild pain and swelling should be expected. Also, expect some blood during the first day of recovery.

Your dentist in Hornsby will give you all post-op instructions and explain when and how to take pain medication. If needed, you might also get prescription painkillers.

Long-term recovery

Most patients fully recover in about 3-4 days. In a more complex surgery (as in impacted wisdom teeth), recovery could take a Full week.

Keep in mind the resulting wound won´t be fully healed until a few months. Knowing this, you should be extra careful to avoid any risk of infection.

One way to keep the wound clean could be rinsing your mouth with saltwater. However, make sure you let it fall out of your mouth instead of spitting it out.

While you can resume your usual, everyday activities 1 or 2 days after surgery, it´s important to avoid activities such as heavy exercise, smoking/spitting, or drinking from a straw.

Foods you should eat/avoid

Also, you might not have the best appetite right after surgery. Eating well and staying hydrated is essential to a fast recovery after a wisdom teeth removal.

Try to consume soft foods that are easy to eat with minimal chewings, such as mashed potatoes, smoothies, soups, puddings, apple sauce, and cottage cheese.

Also, during the recovery period, avoid all nuts/seeds and hot foods. These foods can be stuck or burn, respectively, the extraction site.

All in all, although you should take wisdom teeth removal seriously, it´s not a procedure you should be afraid of.

Recovery after wisdom teeth removal should only take a few days. And while you should expect some swelling and mild discomfort, it can be downplayed y using ice packs.

You should strictly follow all post-op recommendations. Also, don´t hesitate to give your dentist´s office a call if you notice any unusual symptoms. They´ll know what to do.