Possible Complications of Wisdom Teeth Removal

Possible Complications of Wisdom Teeth Removal

Usually appearing between 17 to 25 years of age and located at the back corners of your mouth. Wisdom teeth are the third molars and the last permanent teeth to erupt. Some people´s wisdom teeth erupt without problems (just like any other molar), while others don´t...
Recovery After Wisdom Teeth Removal

Recovery After Wisdom Teeth Removal

It might be that your wisdom teeth are impacted, thus causing you to experience pain/swelling. Or perhaps your mouth is just not big enough to accommodate a new set of teeth. Whatever the case, there is a high probability your dentist has already determined you´re due...
A Helpful Guide to Wisdom Teeth Removal

A Helpful Guide to Wisdom Teeth Removal

Wisdom teeth do not play any particular role, nor do they have a specific reason to exist. Therefore, we might think of them the same way we do about the appendix. Simply put, wisdom teeth are in your mouth (and they might not cause any problems). But you can have a...
What to Eat After Wisdom Teeth Removal

What to Eat After Wisdom Teeth Removal

Impacted wisdom teeth are terribly painful and can cause complications such as gum disease, abscess, and adjacent tooth loss. Getting your wisdom teeth removed can relieve a lot of discomfort happening inside your mouth. However, after the procedure, make sure you...