Category: Dental Clinic

Deep Dental Cleaning vs Regular Cleaning: The Differences

Deep Dental Cleaning vs Regular Cleaning: The Differences

Have you always wondered the difference between a deep dental cleaning and a regular dental cleaning? These terms have been used interchangeably across many different articles but understanding what they both mean is important. When you visit the dentist, you know the...

Do Tongue Scrapers Actually Work for Cleaning Tongue?

Do Tongue Scrapers Actually Work for Cleaning Tongue?

Knowing how to clean your tongue may be tricky. In particular, if you just use your brush. A few of us can usually identify when the tongue is too filthy, but we may miss small buildups.  Plus, if we don’t cover all the angles during the brushing, the chances are that...

3 Proven Method to Clean Your Tongue

3 Proven Method to Clean Your Tongue

Believe it or not, one of the most common mistakes dental patients make when brushing their teeth is forgetting about or don’t know how to clean the tongue.  This muscle - the strongest in the body, responsible for many functions like speaking or swallowing- is also a...

Options for Fixing a Chipped Tooth Fast

Options for Fixing a Chipped Tooth Fast

Chipping a tooth is not only painful, but it can also be inconvenient. Sometimes, it happens at an inopportune moment when you can’t attend the dentists. Or right before a special occasion. How do you fix a chipped tooth fast in these situations? While the damage of a...

How To Get Rid Of Gingivitis in Teenagers

How To Get Rid Of Gingivitis in Teenagers

Gingivitis isn't just for adults. When bad bacteria does decide to set up home in our mouths and we fail to evacuate them with a good regime of brushing and flossing, they soon start to settle down in their droves. Unfortunately, a teenager's mouth is a desirable...

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