5 Fun Facts About Dental Check-Ups

5 Fun Facts About Dental Check-Ups

Dental check-ups are not the most pleasant activity for most people. Even so, it doesn’t have to be all pain and discomfort… There’re lots of fun facts about dental check-ups that may make your day a little less awful. Do you want to make fun of dental check-ups and...
Importance of regular teeth cleaning

Importance of regular teeth cleaning

Teeth are small mineralised structures within the first point of our digestive system. That is the oral cavity. These pieces are functional elements of immense hardness and are essential for chewing. In addition, they also play a crucial role when speaking and in the...
How Much Does A Tooth Bridge Cost?

How Much Does A Tooth Bridge Cost?

Tooth bridges act as a ‘bridge’ between two sets of teeth, comprising of crowns that are attached or clamped to either side of a healthy natural tooth, with an abutment used to anchor the bridge. If you want to learn more in details, here is our guide on how tooth...
What Is A Tooth Bridge?

What Is A Tooth Bridge?

If you’ve multiple missing teeth, then tooth bridges can help restore overall mouth functioning by filling the gaps created by missing multiple teeth. A tooth bridge is artificial, meaning it comprises false teeth mounted to existing teeth with cement to fill the...